Mother's Day Celebration at SRS Residency

SRS Residency in Sector 87 recently celebrated Mother's Day with a special event sponsored by Medical Sathi Hospital. The highlight of the celebration was a health talk focusing on common medical issues in mothers, delivered by Dr. Deepti Goyal, a renowned gynecologist.

The Mother's Day celebration at SRS Residency brought together mothers from the community to honor and appreciate their invaluable contributions. Amidst the festivities, attendees had the opportunity to gain insights into important health matters affecting mothers through Dr. Deepti Goyal's informative session.

Key Highlights:

Health Talk by Dr. Deepti Goyal:

Dr. Deepti Goyal, a respected gynecologist, conducted a health talk addressing common medical issues in mothers. Topics covered included reproductive health, hormonal changes, menopause, and preventive care measures. Dr. Goyal's expertise provided attendees with valuable knowledge and guidance on maintaining optimal health.

Interactive Discussion: 

Following the health talk, attendees engaged in an interactive discussion with Dr. Deepti Goyal, where they had the chance to ask questions and seek clarification on specific health concerns. The session encouraged open dialogue and empowered mothers to prioritize their health and well-being.

Celebratory Atmosphere:

The Mother's Day celebration created a warm and festive atmosphere, filled with love and appreciation for all mothers. Attendees enjoyed various activities, including games, music, and refreshments, fostering a sense of camaraderie and community spirit.

The event was made possible through the sponsorship of Medical Sathi Hospital, demonstrating the hospital's commitment to promoting women's health and well-being. By supporting initiatives like the Mother's Day celebration, Medical Sathi Hospital reaffirms its dedication to serving the needs of the community.

The Mother's Day celebration at SRS Residency, Sector 87, sponsored by Medical Sathi Hospital, was a heartfelt tribute to mothers and an opportunity to address important health issues affecting them. Through Dr. Deepti Goyal's enlightening health talk and the joyous atmosphere of the event, mothers were honored, educated, and empowered to prioritize their health and well-being. Medical Sathi Hospital extends its gratitude to Dr. Deepti Goyal and the community of SRS Residency for their participation and support in promoting women's health.